Friday 10 September 2021


 WOW, Ampaw!

            Whenever we're sad, stressed, or having a bad day in general we mostly cope with it by eating some delicious food. You may already know where we are going about the topic today. We are going to talk about food, but not just an ordinary food we are going to talk about a popular Filipino food.

            We are going to talk about ampaw or pop rice is a popular food in the Philippines. Ampaw is made out of white rice, usually leftover rice. It is dried in the sun for 4 hours and fry it when done. Then coat with a sugar glaze; Before the ampaw dry it is shaped into puffed balls or cut into rectangular shapes. It is also mixed with nuts, pinipig and chocolate. In old times the food is originally plain white , as of today's modern time the snack is dyed in variety of colors.

taste test

            It has been a while that I eaten one, it was a great nostalgia. As I tasted it, it has a sweet and savory flavor and I also taste the tanginess in the tip of my tounge; I personally pair the snack with a hot coffee ( light one).

        For those people who loves sweet savory snacks, it is a perfect food for you try, not to mention it is an affordable snack, you can find in any supermarket, you can also find vendors selling it in the side of the road. You can honestly eat it anywhere and it is also perfect for people who always in a rush.


Ampaw.(22 February 2021). Retrieved from:

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