Friday 5 February 2021

English 8


This advertisement is about a hardworking father that provides the needs of his family, but this advertisement doesn't only talk about the father but a particular brand phone which is 'Realme'. After I watched this advertisement I feel really touched and I liked it. 

So in this blog I will be discussing the Propaganda Techniques that is the AD used. The first one is  Card-stacking Propaganda, it mentioned in the AD about the quality and traits about the phone like: how its manageable and easy to use it. The second one will be probably Bandwagon-propaganda, advertisers know that it is human nature to not want to be the one left out. They know that if they convince you that everyone else is buying their product or using their service, you will want to ‘jump on the bandwagon’ too even I, myself want to have a Realme phone. Lastly they use Plain-folks Propaganda when applied to advertising, this basically means that they want to see how a particular product or service brought value to a regular human being like themselves, in the advertisement it shows a small family the father, son , and the mother.


1.) realme With you Christmas Special.(2020, December 17). Retrieved from

2.) 7 Types of Propaganda Techniques that Advertisers Use.(2020, May 18). Retrieved from

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